Good day adventurers,
In honor of this month's ridiculous love themed holiday, I thought we could explore what some of our characters love. Honestly, Chelsea and I have entirely way too much fun creating backstories for our characters. Knowing exactly what makes them tick and thinking about our characters in unique ways lends them depth and dimension.
I was inspired by an author I adore (Lina Amarego) when she asked questions about what your characters would do in situations they might otherwise never find themselves in. For example, she once asked how your villain and MC would act if they found themselves with a free day to play at the beach.
I will post a few love themed questions below and you, dear reader, get to choose which question(s) we answer on the next blog!
Q1: What is Gilaon's idea of a perfect date?
Q2: What would Lacael's opinion be of the Valentine's holiday?
Q3: If Kenair could choose a favorite Valentine's treat, what would it be?
Q4: How would Gus romance his wife Sarah on Valentine's Day?

If you have other ideas or questions, please send them our way!