Hot off the Press
Featured Writing, Interviews, and General Chatter

An Unseen Robbery
September 17, 2019
The wind has shifted and tides are rising
Women are fighting back, riding a wave of fury and pain
Our pain is real
Our pain is valid
And we want to be heard
Short Story Contest Hosted by @makthewriter
September 07, 2019
I won second place for my story titled Tanglewood
Prompt: I looked back and forth, arms shaking with the weight of Andre's body. The trees... they were staring at me.

2 Elizabeths Six Word Story Contest Winner
June 21, 2017
Prompt: Write a 6 word story based on this image.
Keystrokes and Closed Doors Interview with A.D. Faylinn
June, 17, 2015
I want to introduce you to A.D Faylinn the co-author of The Dark Pilgrim. Amanda is a talented writer who has self-published this wonderful YA Fantasy novel with her friend CJ Taylor. Once again, I first met her over instagram and I love seeing these two women strive to make spread their words to people all over the world. It is magical! I really can't wait to read this book and I hope you will join me to support these new authors!

Interviewing Indies
April, 29, 2015
I tend to read quite a few indie works. So, I thought we all need exposure and it’d be good to pay things forward, as well as turn you good people onto some interesting reads. This is going to be a little series on the blog that I’ll do every so often, depending on what I’m reading.
For the first entry, I spoke to author A. D. Faylinn. She is one half of the writing duo that wrote The Dark Pilgrim in the Flight of the Lionheart series. Together with C. J. Taylor, she completed this first installment in her young adult fantasy series.
Author Interview: A.D. Faylinn
March 30, 2015
One of the best things about being an indie author is the author community, a group of creative and talented people who are always willing to support one another. I’ve been lucky enough to recently connect with A.D. Faylinn, who wrote her novel The Dark Pilgrim with her co-author C.J. Taylor.  I had to know more about her experience writing with a co-author, so she graciously agreed to give me an author interview!