Every writer knows how inspiring music can be to their work. I often cannot find the words until a mournful violin or a throbbing drumbeat helps me harness my ideas. I've even listened to specific soundtracks while writing or reading and now those songs bring back memories of stories. But I can honestly say that I've never fathomed turning books into music. But my good friend Austin Farmer did just that.
I was approached several months ago by Austin asking if he could turn a chapter of my first book The Dark Pilgrim into music. I was intrigued by the idea and immediately prodded him for more details. He explained to me that he was developing a soundtrack for readers and writers. And he said this soundtrack would be derived from our favorite books. And this genius creation would be named The Bookshelf Symphony Orchestra.
Yesterday Austin posted a little update on The Bookshelf Symphony Orchestra:
"I’m excited to announce that after nearly two years of writing and production, my album “The Bookshelf Symphony Orchestra” is coming out next week. Produced by @heathfarmermusic and mixed/mastered by @addamsfarm, this is an album for readers and writers to listen to during reading and writing sessions. It is directly influenced by the novels I have read and couldn’t have been made without these stories. Stay tuned for song excerpts and videos in the coming days. I hope you enjoy these songs as much as I enjoyed creating them."
- Austin
I am honored to be included among the ranks of Patrick Rothfuss' Name of the Wind, Extraction by Stephanie Diaz, and others. I will post another update with The Dark Pilgrim's song once it is officially released. Do you have a favorite soundtrack or artist to listen to while reading, writing, or working?
"Every writer knows how inspiring music can be to their work. I often cannot find the words until a mournful violin or a throbbing drumbeat helps me harness my ideas. I've even listened to specific soundtracks while writing or reading and now those songs bring back memories of stories."